Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Laugh Often

I have a sign on my kitchen wall that says, "Live Well, Love Much and Laugh Often". I never paid much attention to that little plaque until this weekend. Then, it struck home.
After a harrowing week of crazies, I went out with several of my girlfriends over the weekend to have dinner and a few drinks. With the help of wine, margaritas, and some frou frou drink, we ended up laughing ourselves silly. For over three hours we were completely out of control and at times bordering on hysteria. We laughed about sex toys, dogs fighting, kid’s clothes, and weird people. You’d have thought we were 16 year old girls out for the first time.
As I drove home that night, I thought why don’t we do that more often? How come we let the stupidest things in God’s creation steal our fun and our laughter? The jobs, the kids, the housework, it all robs us of who we really are. And let’s not forget the people in our lives. Sometimes it makes me want to live on an island all by myself.
Who am I kidding, I’d be nuts in a day.
Didn’t someone once say, Laughter is Good for the Soul? That proves it, even God wants us to laugh and have fun. What better fun than getting together with great friends who allow you to display your silly side without judgment?
We need to laugh more and stress less. As writers we need to recognize that life is a joke, most of the time. Why do we take ourselves so seriously? Why all the drama? And yes, wherever you have writers, you have drama. But you also have fun loving people who actually understand you.
I know, that’s scary.
I promised myself I will no longer allow small stuff and people and jobs and obligations to drive me nuts. I won’t let anything dig its claws into my time, my fun, my life or my writing. I’m going to laugh more and I’m going to appreciate the wonderful friends I have.
As women who write, let’s become better friends. Let’s smile more and crack a joke at every given opportunity. Let’s bust a gut laughing until every other person in the room turns around and gives us the stink eye for having more fun than them. Let’s not take ourselves, and others so serious.
I honestly think the sound of laughter is the most beautiful sound ever created by God or man. And we all have it. We all have the ability to laugh instead of cry, we have the creativity to look at all the crap around us and see the more humorous side.
I’m laughing out loud today, how about you?
Geri Foster


  1. Great blog, Geri! And you are right - it's the little things that can really pull us down. And, having been in the midst of some of those waiter-eyebrow raising conversations, I bet you ladies had a blast!

  2. I think the dinners are the only things that keep me sane at times! It's nice having friends who "get" it when you're in the throws of a crazy week and need to vent... and then make you laugh!

  3. I think we all have our share of "opportunities." Why do you think I write comedy?

    Great post, Geri.


  4. .... oh and, making a waiter blush every now and again is uber-fun too!

  5. I wasn't going to tell the waiter part, Denise! LOL! I cracked up when our favorite person asked for male strippers. OMG! Insane.
    Loved it!


  6. Geri, it's Proverbs 17:22 that says "A merry heart doeth good like medicine." That's why being around you always cheers me and makes my heart lighter. Great post.

  7. Ah thank you, Carolyn. That's so sweet of you to say.
    You're quite the darling yourself.


  8. Great post, Geri. I have Friday margarita lunches with my friends and they keep me sane!

  9. Thanks Geri for reminding us that laughter is important in our life. I have a friend who sends me a joke a day. I've gotten use to starting the day with a smile on my face. Too bad it can't last all day!

  10. Thanks Sophie, that's what good friends are for. We all need them.


  11. Thanks Ruby, Laughter is important, and we should allow it to take priority in our lives. What's the fun of living if we never enjoy ourselves.


  12. Geri,
    You're so right. We need to get together with friends often and share the laughter. I'd love to have a good laugh with you, anytime. :-)
    Great post!


  13. Come on down, Jeanmarie! I can always fit you into my schedule :)



  14. Geri, the first thing that attracted me to my husband was his ability to make me laugh. 30 years later he still makes me laugh. Laughter is vital to happiness.

    I hope all is well in your world!

  15. Thanks for dropping by Karin. So glad to hear from you. And yes, all is well.

  16. Geri, you couldn't have found a more perfect topic! I'm with you on laughter. Everyone is always way to serious. Laugh and Laugh often for sure! I absolutely love it when we all get together, I laugh so hard my jaws ache!

  17. Geri, I can't agree with you more! A night out with girlfriends (and wine) especially writer girlfriends makes me realize how we are in in this thing together and how much we need each other for support and/or a butt kicking (then more support!) You're right, as writers, we don't have to take ourselves so seriously, we just have to write! And by laughing often, we are more likely to find our fingers tapping away at the keyboard!

  18. Geri, Sorry I'm late to the laugh fest. Look like y'all had a great time. You're so right--we all need to laugh more often. I also found the following very helpful--Only I have the power to ruin my day.
    So, stop giving it to others! ROFL
    All the best to you, Geri. You're a caution.

  19. I think we should schedule another "laugh fest" because you are so right, Geri! If I can find the humor in something it makes life so much easier! Ella
